The importance of sauls conversion can hardly be overestimated. Sauls conversion acts 9 object lesson bible lessons. God works in unexpected people and places to spread the saving message of the gospel. Sauls purpose in traveling to damascusthen saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of damascus, so that if he found any who were of the way, whether men or. Then saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of damascus, so that if he found any who were of the way, whether men or women, he might. Acts 9 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on. Pauls road to damascus conversion bible study guide. The powerful story of pauls conversion has been beautifully brought to life with these sunday school coloring pages. Each version is different, and this fact has led some critics to say that the accounts are contradictory. The conversion of the persecutor, saul of tarsus, is one of the most. He had gone to the high priest and the sanhedrin for a commission to allow him to go where he knew there were many new christians, to arrest them and take them back.
Sauls purpose in traveling to damascusthen saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of damascus, so that if he found any who were of the way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to jerusalem. Paul begins this passage by reminding his readers of the man he used to be. Luke recounts pauls conversion story three times acts 9, 22 and 26. He became a missionary to people all over the world. A devout hellenistic jew, of the tribe of benjamin, born in tarsus of cilicia, saul was a member of the pharisees and was taught by none other than gamaliel, whom we have already met acts.
Acts 9 conversion of saul object lesson for children. Acts 9 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. Pauls conversion 1 chapter 3 pauls conversion acts 9 a. The causes of sauls conversion are plain in the narrative, even though the shortened form is adopted, which is found in the revised version. Let us now study the conversion of saul of tarsus the apostle paul. Paul later remembered that these were peter and james the lords brother gal. As he neared damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from. The conversion of paul the apostle also pauline conversion, damascene conversion, damascus christophany and the road to damascus event, was, according to the new testament, an event in the life of paul the apostle that led him to cease persecuting early christians and to become a follower of jesus. There was no human explanation for sauls conversion. For it was stephens prayer that planted the seed which later helped saul on his path to conversion.
Henceforth his persecution of christians, as portrayed in the book of acts via his own. Luke recorded the conversion and calling of saul of tarsus to demonstrate the supernatural power and sovereign direction of god. Pauls conversion sunday school lesson make childrens. Like paul, believers become new creations in christ. Paul said that god set me apart before i was born, and then on the damascus road called me by his grace galatians 1. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to jerusalem. Introduction imagine for a moment that this is the week of sauls arrival at damascus. The account of pauls conversion in acts is relatively brief. Toussaint, acts the bible knowledge commentary, 2 vols. After his conversion, sauls name was changed to paul, and he spent the rest of his life serving jesus and teaching people about him. First published in 1964, arch books captivate children with colorful pictures and creative poems.
Second, it was samuel who was to convey the lords battle plans. Sauls conversion is a spectacular example of how jesus changes lives. Saul goes to caiaphas, the high priest, to ask for letters, permission, to drag christian men and women out of their homes in damascus and into jerusalem for judgment, and execution. We know that pauls sisters son was in jerusalem after pauls conversion acts 23. In studying an incident or subject, let us always remember to read all the verses that pertain to said incident or subject. A recent book by researcher wade roof, spiritual marketplace. This wellloved series captures the attention of children, telling scripturally sound stories that are enjoyable and easy to remember.
The conversion of saulpaul is so important to the author of the book of acts that he presents the story three times acts 9, 22, 26. Another account of ananiass visit to saul appears later in the book of acts. Barnabas told them of sauls amazing conversion as a result of seeing the lord and of his bold witness for christ in damascus. As a great kindness to the poor saints at damascus, who had notice of his coming, as appears by what ananias said v. It has been popularly assumed that sauls name was changed when he became a follower of jesus christ, but that is not the case. He began doing the things that jesus wanted him to do. The way as a title for the christian movement is probably another reflection of the manner in which jewish christians structured their community on the model of the jewish holiness movement. Conversion of saul in acts by alvin lam whereas in. Sauls conversion since the persecution of christians in jerusalem spread the disease to other jewish communities, saul undertakes to stop the spread. The power of god is revealed in the conversion of saul the power of conversion acts 9. Without question, the story of sauls conversion is one of the most important events, if not the most important event, that luke records in. Sometimes people are slow to understand gods plan and may even resist it. Few of sauls distinctive insights into the significance of the gospel cannot be traced back to the damascusroad event, or to the outworking of that event in his life and thought.
Renan, the french atheist, said it was an uneasy conscious with unstrung nerves, fatigue from the journey, eyes inflamed by the hot sun, and a sudden stroke of fever that produced pauls hallucinations. He wants to pour himself into you so that you then pour yourself into others by loving and serving and sharing jesus with them. Sauls conversion meanwhile, saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the lords disciples. Pauls conversion showed that jesus himself wanted the gospel message to go to the gentiles, quashing any argument from the early jewish christians that the gospel was only for the jews. Michelangelos the conversion of saul is housed in the cappella paolina of the vatican palace. David guzik commentary on acts 9 describes the conversion of saul of. Pauls conversion is recorded three times in the bible 1.
Saul once tried to stop people from believing in jesus, now he believed in jesus and was gods child. According to the book of acts, he was a roman citizen. The received text has probably been filled out by additions from pauls own account in acts 26. It is quite possible that saul was present for the trial of stephen a trial that resulted in stephen becoming the first christian martyr acts 7. Sauls conversion arch books concordia publishing house. Sauls conversion was one of the most miraculous and significant instances of repentance that took place during the early expansion of the church.
Other writers say it was a thunderstorm that hit, and in fear, he imagined he saw jesus because he. With hand drawn illustrations of pauls conversion, your kids are going to love unleashing their creativity on these printable activity pages. These verses describe the conversion of saul with the assistance of ananias. Pauls conversion bible story summary, study and lesson. The men with saul did not see the risen jesus, but saul did. This chapter reveals the conversion of saul of tarsus, the mighty persecutor acts 9. Acts 9 pauls conversion sunday school coloring pages. What is the story of saul of tarsus before he became the. An old apocryphal book, dating to the end of the first century, described paul like this. Ponder the conversion of paul, the sovereignty of christ, and what pauls sins have to do with your salvation.
Mcgarvey, circa 1823, in his commentary on acts tells this most interesting story. Sauls disobedient actions involved at least three major errors. Topics and verses are autogenerated from user searches. It has been suggested that the conversion of saul is perhaps the most important event in the church since pentecost. If you have a new life in christ, then you are filled with the holy spirit as well. But the conversion of saul also shows gods grace, and mercy, and illuminates the. The book of acts says that paul was on his way from jerusalem to syrian damascus with a mandate issued by the high priest.
Sauls conversion occurred when he was on his way to the city of damascus. First, kings werent supposed to offer sacrifices on behalf of the community. Kings could offer sacrifices for themselves, but never for the nation. This book tells the story of the conversion of paul acts 9.
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